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Further Reading

Just Teach One  

Duncan Faherty (Queens College & CUNY Graduate Center) and Ed White (Tulane University)

Just Teach One is a digital project producing digital editions of neglected and forgotten texts in Early American and Carribbean studies. Just Teach One, with support from the American Antiquarian Society and Common-place, provides publically-available scholarly transcriptions of early texts, with resources for teachers to use these texts in their classrooms, and reflections capturing insights, intertextual potentials, and guidance (JTO). 

  • Account of a Remarkable Conspiracy (1787): first published in the Mercure de France under the title of “Makandal, Histoire véritable,” this story was reprinted throughout the next several years in periodicals across the transatlantic world, including Berlin, London, and New York. In the digital editions (XML and PDF) of this text, the circulation history and scholarly work on this text is traced and recorded, providing an important resource for teachers. With reflections from teachers who have taught Account of a Remarkable Conspiracy, this project is a valuable resource for exploring how to teach about Makandal in the classroom, focusing on circulation, translation, and uptake. 


Marronnage in Saint-Domingue (Haiti): History, Memory, Technology

French Atlantic History Group at McGill University, Mellon Foundation, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines of the Université de Sherbrooke 

Marronage in Saint-Domingue is a digital repository of runaway slave advertisements from the principal colonial newspaper, Affiches américaines. This project aims at reclaiming and deconstructing the historical narrative about fugitive slave, highlighting those who “refused the dehumanizaiton of slavery.” There is a text (from February 19, 1766) in the archive that use ‘macandale’ as a synonym for a runaway slave, demonstrating the legacy of Makandal on the island.